Sunday, March 2, 2008


Feb.4-Feb.10, 2008
We’re in week two of the t.v. being in the closet and I have to say that I haven’t missed it that much. In fact I’ve really enjoyed not having to referee the boys in front of the t.v.
Isaac and Levi have become a lot better at entertaining themselves. I guess it’s definitely also helped that the weather has been great outside lately so its easy to get out of the house.
Levi has a knack for making sound effects and he can now make the sound of an elephant trumpeting.
I did the Spanish story time playgroup over at our house this Friday and it turned out really well. Three of the people that I had recruited from Isaac’s school, the park and Gymboree came. Pretty cool. The weather was nice too so we did dancing, bubbles, and parachute games outside.
We found a sweet spot on the bayou this week with the help of the Helgueras. After the big red bridge, there’s a little pathway that leads down to a sandy spot near the water. The boys loved throwing rocks and sticks in the water. Levi would have liked to just jump in the water too, so I had to make sure that I held the back of his shirt when he was close to the water. It really is amazing to live so close to the bayou. The boys get to commune with nature.

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1 comment:

Summer said...

Hey, you've already added three more posts since my last comment. Randy has frog boots just like the ones Isaac is wearing in this post. Do you guys get lots of mosquitos living so close to the water and having lots of puddles?