Tuesday, November 27, 2007

August 20-26, 2007
I was reading a story with Isaac and I asked him to look at a group of purple objects and find the thing you could sit on. I pointed to some grapes and asked of those were for sitting and he said, “no, those are for eating, “ then I pointed to a purple flower and he said, “no that’s for giving for momma” then I pointed to a chair and he said “yeah mom!” I thought that his flower commentary was really cute. He likes giving flowers to his momma.
Levi toddles all over the place and is very vocal. He’s always making new sounds and has some very dynamic jabber going on. He says ball really well and he’s starting to make the sign language sign for milk.
We went to Chucky Cheese for playgroup this week and Isaac was overjoyed with the opportunity to set a couple more balloons free.
Isaac is obsessed with the word “bonk” this week. “He wants to bonk his head!”
Levi is still Mr. kitchen scavenger. He absolutely loves finding pieces of food on the little blue table where Isaac eats.

August 27-Sept.2, 2007 Isaac has been more interested in learning new words in Spanish this week. We were reading a story and he asked how to say cherries and peaches. He picks up on new words really quickly. He also likes translating things that he says in English. He started saying, “In December we’re going to the airport and wer’re going to the airport and then another house and we’re going to grab a balloon and let it go” Then he said, “En diciembre vamos al aeropuerto y vamos a otra casa y vamos a agarrar un globo y soltarlo. “Isaac quieres. . . .” tirar cosasIsaac do you wanna. . . .go to Ireland—We drove our friends Jake and Alyssa to the airport so they could go to Ireland and now Isaac is intrigued with the idea of going to Ireland. We told him that in two weeks we’ll be picking Jake and Alyssa up from the airport, but he thinks that in two weeks we’re going to Ireland. I wish.Today James and I noticed that Levi is starting to fold his arms when we bless the food. It is pretty darn cute.We tried taking Isaac on Saturday to see James get his hair cut and he still freaked out even though it wasn’t his hair being cut. He kept running around with his hands over his head to protect his hair and saying “ay ay ay” Oh well so much for our brilliant idea of getting him more comfortable with the idea.Isaac made leaps and bounds with potty training this week. On Friday we said “no more diapers for me” and we’ve been diaper free ever since—except for night time. He’s had a few accidents but over all is doing great. The only dilemma is that he only wants to use the toilet at home. He wouldn’t use the one at McDonald’s or the bookstore or church yesterday. Two times he held it till we got home, but at church he ended up wetting his pants. Hopefully we can work through this glitch in the process.Isaac was looking at family pics on the computer and said, “Can I jump in the computer and see Aunt Julia and Uncle JoJo?” He’s starting to use his imagination more and more.
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