March 24-March 30, 2008
When you ask Levi questions, he’ll now respond “yeah” or “no”—its amazing how much he understands.
Levi is picking up new words every day now. He can say book, duck, dog, stuck, and music now. He really enjoys music a lot and he’s becoming like Isaac now in the car—he wants to hear songs he likes repeated. This can get a little tricky when both boys want to listen to different songs. Now I have two competing disc jockeys.
Both boys got sick with a stomach virus this week—lots of vomiting and laundry. Isaac had a worst bought of vomiting than Levi and he got so bad I finally called the nurse at the doctor’s office and she called in some anti-nausea medicine for Isaac that helped him keep fluids down. What a huge blessing.
When James was on a walk with the boys on Wednesday, Isaac said, “Papa what happens if we hit and push our friends?” James said “If we hit and push, then our friends will be . . “ James was waiting for Isaac to fill in the right word, but Levi beat him to it and said, “sad.” He’s a sharp little guy.
Uncle Timo and Aunt Julia Nuttall came to visit on Friday and Saturday and the boys were really happy to see them. Isaac wanted to play all of the games with Timo that he used to play with him when they were living here like elevator, jumping on the bed, and flying spaceship. He also played Dora with them at the park and showed off his new imaginative playing skills. We went to Red Robin on Saturday and we let Isaac open up a couple of his birthday presents that Timo and Julia had brought from Grandma. He was very excited about the “magic garden,” and she gave him some cool clothes too, but ofcourse he was more interested in growing the magic garden so we went home and did the science experiment and it worked really well. Crystals blossoming on “trees” and “flowers”—very fascinating.
I took the boys to McDonalds earlier in the week and when we were about to sit down when we noticed some teenagers being really loud and using foul language close to where we usually sit. Isaac looked at me and said, “mom, are those bad people?” I wanted to say “yes” but since I wasn’t sure how much we were being overheard I just said we need to be nice to everybody. I think its amazing how discerning kids are.
Well, we’re still really worried about our boys. It’s Sunday night and Isaac is listless with no appetite and he’s just not acting like himself at all. Levi is perky, but he’s still vomiting and has bad diarrhea. James and I have also felt pretty wonky and even though we haven’t thrown up. We have barely any appetite—all I’ve had today is 3 slices of bread and some water. Not good.
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